
     The deaths of the Jewish people were unbearable to know about. The part that happens after the death is even more hurtful to know because they bury the bodies in a hole and then set the bodies on fire. It was their way to get rid of the bodies and the smell. Killing people also known as the “Final Solution” ("United States Holocaust Museum" 1) was a way to “save” the German people. No people is superior then others even if they are rich or have power of any kind. I believe the Jewish people are brave. These people that lived all the way until they were rescued is an example of how faith can be so powerful. This faith was in many Jewish are like us and think the same even if we have different religions. Hitler had children a son named Alois Schickelgraber Hitler ("the history place") why can’t he think of the people that lost their children for his fault. All those feelings should of gone into his mind before he did the “concentration camps” (“United States Holocaust Museum”1).Some people knew what was going to happen and decided to make a plan to hide before they got caught by the Nazi and Hitler.But even if they could they got caught and lived the life that almost all Jewish person had to lived.These camps were like a jail were people died for no logical reason.


Many children died by starvation and malnutrition. They barely were fed food to eat in Auschwitz, a concentration camp. About 2.2 million people died in these death camps:
  • 1.2 Auschwitz I
  • 1.3 Auschwitz II-Birkenau
  • 1.4 Auschwitz III